Storyline Walkthrough: Chapter 1 - The 13 Lords of Chaos
Poison for Purpose: Get 12 Vial of Venom from the Serpentress The Heart of the Temple Awaits: Walk one screen to the right from where Kagg is and click on the big green plant in the middle, three times to obtain the Plant Poisoned quest item. They both have smalls amounts of HP, but here's the catch: Attack Vath, and Stalagbite will deal insane damage (He can and WILL hit you for above a thousand damage); hit Stalagbite, and you will only do a tiny fraction of your normal damage against Vath
how to get easy money, Adventure Quest Worlds Questions and answers for PC
After you accept all the quest, kill monster to earn doubloons then turn in the quest you can afford, then every items you recieve, sell it, most of the items cost 1,500 - 5,000. B i u Font Size Font color Strikeout Spoiler Quote Align Link List Add Pic Add Video BB Codes Guide This is to report a problem with the comment to the staff for moderation
Months after the game launched in its primitive state, the developers added new areas and quests, including the beginning of a main storyline (which is quite awful, but not many play MMORPGs for such things), and with these additions, both paying and non-paying players got a selection of items to buy or earn. Fantastic activity! (0) aqw rules Reply on July 27, 2014 my mom (1) hexfirwe Reply on June 11, 2014 i used to really love this game a while back but now i consider to be pretty bad main reason i think its inferior is that all the weapons deal the same damage except ones u need real money for
With Teeth 3375: Kinda Like a Giant Bubble 3376: What's Worse Than Drow? 3377: We Can Replenish Our Armory Too! 3378: Begemralded 3379: Natural Resources 3380: Rally The Troops 3381: Becoming A BladeMaster 3382: Dancers Need Feathers! 3383: And Dolls Need Heads 3384: A Head Needs A Body 3385: Bind It All Together 3386: Take 'Em Apart 3387: Who Could It Be? 3388: A Bag For A Talisman 3389: Their... 1539: In The Drink 1540: Below Decks 1541: Blow Stuff Up! 1542: Set Me On Fire 1543: Walk Through Fire 1545: Everything's On Fire 1546: Baby's On Fire 1547: Fire In My Heart 1548: Gold Ingot 1549: Bolt Of Silk 1550: Pack Of Spices 1551: Something Stinks! 1552: Gaining Trust 1553: If You Can't Stand the Heat..
AQW Quest ID List (Updated) - AQ Worlds Forum for PC - Page 1 @ CheatsGuru.Com
and Falling 1308 - Doppelganger Wants to Hit You 1309 - Catapult Climb 1310 - For Science! 1311 - Scientific Accessories 1312 - Exquisite Dead Guy 1313 - Hall of Stolen Heads 1314 - I Want a Rock 1315 - Take Out the Trash 1316 - Tokens of Vindication 1317 - Dwarfhold Membership Dues 1318 - Good Membership Dues 1319 - Evil Membership Dues 1320 - Yokai Membership Dues 1321 - Vampire Membership Dues 1322 - Lycan Membership Dues 1323 - Mythsong Membership Dues 1324 - Arcangrove Membership Dues 1325 - Sandsea Membership Dues 1326 - Skyguard Membership Dues 1327 - Doomwood Membership Dues 1328 - Troll Membership Dues 1329 - Horc Membership Dues 1330 - She Might be a Giant "Fan" 1331 - Bugged by Rares! 1332 - Rarely Defeated! 1333 - Ug 1334 - Uga 1335 - Ug Ug 1336 - Uga Ug 1337 - Malfunction Junction 1338 - Missing Equipment 1339 - The Treasure that You Seek 1340 - These Trees 1341 - Ewwww... 965 - Who You Callin' a ChickenMan? 966 - Solar Powered Wind Burning Air Conditioning Stove 967 - Sacred Scarabs 968 - A Noob is Guard 969 - Bandaged Aids 970 - Keys to the Royal Chamber 971 - Confront Duat 972 - They've Gone Dark 973 - Bad Doggies 974 - Essentially Evil 975 - Loose Threads 976 - Seek The Treasure 977 - Dreamsand 978 - I Dream Of..
How can I level up fast - Adventure Quest Worlds Questions
with oracle class (enhance everything on luck) you can even solo drakath and with mage class you can kill every of the 6 chaos soldiers in under 10 seconds and the good thing is they instantly respawn. they give also 100-200 gold.To make it really fast equip the weapon chaoruppter unlocked (search it on the wiki you just need to kill one boss to get it and it makes extra damage against chaos monster) and if you have it chaos slayer berseker (class you need to be rank 10 chaos but its pretty easy to get rank 10
Shadowburn is a rather interesting skill, it will stun the opponent for 3 seconds when inflicted by Shadowblade, OR return a nice 20 mana points if Shadowblade was not inflicted! Anytime you have a lot of mana leftover, you should activate thin air. Now, after finding a group to help you(or to help, whatever the case may be), start stacking Mark of Death on the enemy until you have max stacks, while constantly renewing Fiend Frenzy whenever it cools down
AdventureQuest Worlds Cheats (PC Cheats)
Verify this Report this Submitted by: Raffleclone on October 09, 2011 How to face the Black knight?(Hint and tip) (Hint) Go to battleon and go up then left then find a man named black knight and do his quest then when your done click on summon and there you go!!!(tip1)The black knight has over 15000 hp so you need help a lot of help!!!(tip2)Go on the map first then click battleon even if your at battle on it's the only way to make the cheat to work by going to the map and click on battle on!! Verify this Report this Submitted by: Need to know cheets on October 17, 2009 How to level up fast To level up really quickly you will need-a friend at least level 15- Xp Boost (Optional)First go on your map and click Yokai then go to Lolosia then go to the next area on the right then onto the little boat. It is the choice between this or Unidentified 13 "Contract of NulgathSUPER BLADELEVEL17 Add more "Legendary Nulgath Gear" Read more Verify this cheat Report this Submitted by: rayquaza1999, matthew, nohamad on August 02, 2011 Pet unlockable
Diamond Exchange Nulgath (Rare) Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance The Assistant Voucher Item: Twin Blade of Nulgath Bamboozle vs Drudgen (This quest subject to change) I'll trade you x3 Diamond's of Nulgath for x1 Contract of Nulgath. AND I've raised your chance of winning! Well the larval version of me has a job to do and that's collect Mana Energy! Bring me some Mana Energy from the Mana Golem and Charged Mana from the Mana Elemental and I'll let you spin this wheel of mine
Items Required: Gem of Nulgath x10 Nulgath Rune 8 x1 Dropped by Taro Blademaster Rewards: 50,000 Gold 13,000 Exp Items: Oblivion Wrath Blade Of Nulgath Thanks to Megacose, SlyCooperFan1 and Tendou no Mazo. Items Required: Gem of Nulgath x10 Nulgath Rune 8 x1 Dropped by Taro Blademaster Rewards: 50,000 Gold 13,000 Exp Items: Oblivion Wrath Blade Of Nulgath Thanks to SlyCooperFan1, Tendou no Mazo and Megacose
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