Shuttle the methods to selected area and Click OK - Open the JSF page and expand the data control - Drag the logProcedure Method to the page and choose ADF button - Drag the getEmpFullname function to the page and choose ADF parameter form (it is a function so we have to bind the input and return values) -Drag and drop the String (output parameter) as Output Text - The page on design time look like this - Right click and choose Run . If we analyze that this code can work inside database so we should move it to database and if the logic depends on some UI interaction (e.g looping over the rows etc etc) then it should be the combination of both
This makes your Windows Azure application more reliable and resilient to transient faults (such as temporary network connectivity issues or temporary service unavailability). The book is intended for any architect, developer, or information technology (IT) professional who designs, builds, or operates applications and services that are appropriate for the cloud
Remove Duplicate Rows from a Table in SQL Server - CodeProject
Easiest way to delete more than one duplicate row from a table in SQL Server Introduction Most of the times, we use primary key or unique key for preventing insertion of duplicate rows in SQL Server. Is it too complicated? History 16th February, 2011: Initial post License This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL) Share email twitter facebook linkedin reddit google+ About the Author Sadeque Sharif Software Developer Meridian Group Bangladesh I am: Manager (IT) at Meridian Group
The subquery is implemented as a temporary table behind the scenes, so filling it with data is one pass; then selecting every row from it and applying the WHERE clause is another. And again, some query optimizers may not do well with this and make it quadratic with respect to the number of rows in the table overall (especially if no useful index is defined), and the server might get clobbered
Newest Questions - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
database-design cloud asked 6 hours ago happs 62 3 votes 0answers 9 views Create an SSL connection with ODBC driver to MySQL(5.6) using openSSL I want to create an asymmetric SSL connection from MySQL to an ODBC driver but don't fully know how to generate the keys and certificates (I'm using openSSL as recommended here: ... sql-server connections informatica sql-server-core multi-thread asked 3 hours ago MacGyver 55931325 0 votes 0answers 6 views AlwaysOn Availability Listener only working on one node We are creating an new SQL 2014 AlwaysOn Availability Group called SQLProd with 3 nodes: SQLPrimary SQLReports SQLDR SQLPrimary is the server we are going to host the primary replica on
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My self-join query was attempting to detect cases where the invoice on the line before and the invoice on the line after were the same (23), but different from the invoice on the current line (24). Using the CTE, I plan to find all records that match three columns and whatever the first record is, I want to copy the value of three fields from the first record and populate the following records
sql server - In SQL, find duplicates in one column with unique values for another column - Stack Overflow
If you have more, I'd urge you to consider whether the destination for these records (a report? A web page? Excel?) might be able to do a better job of displaying them horizontally than SQL Server can do in returning them arranged horizontally. To explain better: ID Alias Record ID 1 000123 4 2 000123 4 3 000234 4 4 000123 6 5 000345 6 6 000345 7 The result of a query on this table should be something to the effect of 000123 4 6 000345 6 7 Indicating that both record 4 and 6 have an alias of 000123 and both record 6 and 7 have an alias of 000345
Second maximum salary using LIMIT keyword of MYSQL database LIMIT keyword of MySQL database is little bit similar with TOP keyword of SQL Server database and allows to take only certain rows from result set. SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM ( SELECT TOP 3 salary FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC) AS emp ORDER BY salary ASCIs this correct for 3rd highest salary ?? May 28, 2014 at 5:49 AM Anonymous said..
sql server 2005 - How get the T-SQL code to find duplicates? - Stack Overflow
For instance, in the following table, rows 2+3 would be duplicates: PK col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 1 1 2 3 4 6 2 1 3 4 7 7 3 1 3 4 7 10 4 2 3 1 4 5 The two rows share common values in columns col1-col4, and thus, by that SQL, is considered duplicates
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