400+ Blues Guitar Songs with Chords, Tabs, Lyrics, Lessons and Learning Tips, titles index page
For Blues books and sheet music you can buy check the Blues guitar collection and The Blues Fakebooks at Sheet music Plus Click on the song you want to see. Some of these songs are in the public domain or traditional categories, however this cannot be guaranteed, and should you wish to use them as a basis of a performance or for any non-personal study purpose you are advised to contact the copyright holders (where available, copyright info has been included with the song).These transcriptions are made by many different individuals from all over the world for their own research and instruction, and as such are liable to great variation in in interpretation and opinion
Here is what I consider correct; however, a few mails have suggested that 3rd verse 1st line is about his wife, and could therefore be: "Yeah I love my Lenny, she's long and lean"
Here is how you can contribute to Pride and Joy Tab: Vote up (down) error reports that look useful (not useful) to you using arrow buttons to the left of error reports. Please upgrade to the latest Flash Player! You'll need Adobe Flash Player 10 or later to view Pride and Joy Tab Get it here Sorry, an error has occurred
Here is what I consider correct; however, a few mails have suggested that 3rd verse 1st line is about his wife, and could therefore be: "Yeah I love my Lenny, she's long and lean"
Pride And Joy Tab by Stevie Ray Vaughan @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
Here is what I consider correct; however, a few mails have suggested that 3rd verse 1st line is about his wife, and could therefore be: "Yeah I love my Lenny, she's long and lean"
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