Thursday 23 July 2015

The economic boom of the 1920s was fueled in part by

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Ordinarily, with unemployment now approaching levels associated with an economy at full strength, the case for raising rates would be open and shut: the Fed would not want unemployment to drop so far that the economy overheats and inflation takes off
Until this summer, soaring stock prices and buoyant credit markets had produced spectacular payouts for private-equity and hedge-fund managers, and investment bankers. Widening Gap: The wealthiest Americans' share of national income has hit a postwar record, surpassing the highs reached in the 1990s bull market, and highlighting the divergence of economic fortunes blamed for fueling anxiety among American workers

Causes and economic indicators of The Great Depression
Further, in 1929 the list of the largest firms in Japan was dominated by light industries, especially textile companies (many of Japan's automakers, like Toyota, have their roots in the textile industry). Growth in modern manufacture of electrical goods and a boom in the motor car industry was helped by a growing southern population and an expanding middle class
And over two-fifths of all private-sector jobs created since 2001 have been in housing-related sectors, such as construction, real estate and mortgage broking. If house prices stop rising or start to fall, owner-occupiers will largely stay put, but over-exposed investors are more likely to sell, especially if rents do not cover their interest payments

The Insourcing Boom - The Atlantic
Its auto-fill water spigot is unique, and it is lit inside by 10 recessed LED bulbs that use almost no energy, create almost no heat, and never burn out. And much of that increase, at first blush, might appear to be nothing more than the natural (but ultimately limited) return of some of the jobs lost in the recession itself

The 1920s Credit Bubble
Also, it's not surprising that when you were taught the depression, "protectionism" was emphasized as the culprit (along with, if you were lucky, over tight money), as this is part and parcel of the neo-liberal gospel of free markets and no government. Why would anyone want to curtail consumption to buy a house, earning 4.14 percent on the money kept in his savings account when the annual inflation rate in November was 6.9 percent? Wouldn't a more rational strategy be to take out a mortgage? ``When trend income growth is high, households seeking to smooth their consumption should borrow against future income, especially if real interest rates are low,'' Marcos Chamon, an economist at the International Monetary Fund, and Eswar Prasad, an economics professor at Cornell University, noted in a recent study on the rising savings rates of China's urban households

The Economic History of Norway
Figure 2 Gross Domestic Product for Norway by Expenditure Category (in 2000 Norwegian Kroner) Source: Grytten (2004b) Stagnation and Institution Building, 1814-1843 The newborn state lacked its own institutions, industrial entrepreneurs and domestic capital. Due to the petroleum sector, however, Norway experienced high growth rates in all the three last decades of the twentieth century, bringing Norway to the top of the world GDP per capita list at the dawn of the new millennium

United States History - The Postwar Economy: 1945-1960
An even more important form of movement led Americans out of inner cities into new suburbs, where they hoped to find affordable housing for the larger families spawned by the postwar baby boom
Although life in these villages was neither egalitarian nor without conflict, they provided their residents with a basis for collective organization, and typically a history of collective solidarity, against the landowners. A local rancher would resent increased taxes, which, in his eyes, were merely to pay for banquets in the state capital or Mexico City, and he was probably not far from the truth

The U.S. Economy in the 1920s
(Figure 9) The market induces labor to voluntarily move from one sector to another through income differentials, suggesting that even in the absence of the effects of the depressions, farm incomes would have been lower than nonfarm incomes so as to bring about this migration. (Appel, 1930; Benson, 1986; Hendrickson, 1979; Hower, 1946; Sobel, 1974) Until the late twenties, the department store field was dominated by independent stores, though some department stores in the largest cities had opened a few suburban branches and stores in other cities

Why was there an economic boom in the USA in the 1920s? - GCSE History - Marked by
All the factors combined in the end to allow an economic boom, and with the policy of isolationism and the use of credit, the wealth became self-generating. For example, the USA had many natural resources with which to develop products, whilst financially it had benefited from World War I because of exports to Europe

1920's Business and Economy
When stock prices eventually slumped many investors had to sell shares to meet "margin calls" forcing share prices to drop further, exacerbating the problem and leading to the Share Market crash of October and November 1929. Bernays and Ivy Lee were at the forefront of this new style of advertising where instead of listing a products specifications and qualities they stressed the benefits in terms of lifestyle improvement

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