I had met Karen Fodchuk and Dennis Trudel while participating in the White Swan held in Athabasca, AB in 2005, and recommended them to Roy and Doreen (Norman) . Denis Trudel I just turned 70 this year and I have been involved as President of the Roadhaven Shuffleboard Club in Apache Junction for the past 2 years and next season will be my third
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Introduction - 10,000 Year Clock - The Long Now
Once you arrive at its hidden entrance in an opening in the rock face, you will find a jade door rimmed in stainless steel, and then a second steel door beyond it. If there is no attention for long periods of time the Clock uses the energy captured by changes in the temperature between day and night on the mountain top above to power its time-keeping apparatus
University of Virginia Library
examine multiple topics within a census year produce tables of data by state or county sort data by selected categories create ratios between any two data categories Choose a census year to begin examining data: 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 Examine state and county topics over time. About the Historical Census Browser The data and terminology presented in the Historical Census Browser are drawn directly from historical volumes of the U.S
The Decline of the American Book Lover - The Atlantic
I could not read or note every worthy article that was published last calendar year and I haven't included any paywalled articles or anything published at The Atlantic. I supported it because my formative foreign-policy experiences had been the Gulf War and the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, all of which led me to exaggerate the efficacy of military force and downplay its risks
A pile of empty and smashed liquor, beer and champagne bottles form an informal memorial around the corner from the Baltimore Police Western District station where Freddie Gray was taken after being arrested in the Sandtown neighborhood April 21 in Baltimore. Many others turned out not because they knew Gray, whose death in police custody earlier this month remains unexplained pending outcomes of multiple investigations
Kieren McCarthy, 24 Jul 00:29 NIST in suspected 'meth lab' blast: US Congress is demanding answers US Congress has opened an investigation into a blast at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) facility in Gaithersburg, Maryland, that is suspected to be the result of a drug-cooking operation gone wrong. Share that fiber with the little guys, eh? Choc Factory research shows users just don't get security US Census Bureau IT systems hacked, data leaked by Anonymous Contactless card fraud? Easy
Anyone with a LivePhish+ subscription can stream the show right now from the LivePhish App or you can purchase from LivePhish.com and stream via the free App (in your Stash). Phish returns to Watkins Glen International in Watkins Glen, NY read more Apr 1, 2015 Summer 2015 Lawn Tickets Available In Real Time For those of you who want to pick up lawn tickets and avoid the public on sales this week, we have a limited quantity of lawn tickets available for select shows on the Summer Tour including Mountain View, Austin, Atlanta, Cuyahoga Falls, East Troy, Raleigh, Columbia, and Commerce City (tickets in the stands)
Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Salon.com
during that trial, has been pursued by this case for 30 years, during which time he has never returned to America, has never returned to the United Kingdom., has avoided many other countries, and has never been convicted of anything else. a big hero? Kate Harding Share WhatsApp Post 0 All Share Services Topics: Celebrity, Broadsheet, Roman Polanski, Violence Against Women, Life News An image from the documentary "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired." Roman Polanski raped a child
A year of reading the world
It felt strange to switch from talking about world literature to talking about fictional swapped identical twins, but everyone quickly made me feel at home. From this I learned the value of using hand gestures and smiling to get colour into certain words and phrases, as well as the importance of taking regular breaks
It was one of the greatest engineering secrets in the world, providing the solution to one of a handful of problems that separated nuclear powers such as the United States and Russia from rogue countries such as Iran that were desperate to join the nuclear club but had so far fallen short. In the meantime, the CIA, by watching Iran's reaction to the blueprints, would have gained a wealth of information about the status of Iran's weapons programme, which has been shrouded in secrecy
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ET The share of people under age 30 who own private businesses has reached a 24-year-low, according to new data, underscoring financial challenges and a low tolerance for risk among young Americans
He said, "Listen, I just wanted to say that dragging all this slavery stuff up again is bringing down America." I started to protest, but he interrupted me. Regardless of why they were espoused, all the misconceptions discussed here lead to the same result: the assertion that slavery wasn't really all that bad ("as long as you had a godly master," as one guest put it)
Animated interactive of the history of the Atlantic slave trade.
Leon Neyfakh All the Weird Reasons the GOP Cited for Hating the Iran Deal Why You Should Ignore All Those New Polls That Say Hillary Is Doomed Trump Says Being President Is Like Owning a Golf Course. By the conclusion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade at the end of the 19th century, Europeans had enslaved and transported more than 12.5 million Africans
In addition, according to the comment by the editor of Science, "The findings support the view that the Holocene Thermal Maximum, the Medieval Warm Period, and the Little Ice Age were global events, and they provide a long-term perspective for evaluating the role of ocean heat content in various warming scenarios for the future."You forgot to mention that the pacific ocean has been much warmer over most of the last 10,000 years. Maybe your experience is different and you never got more than 3 feet offshore and faced inland all the time.Perhaps, instead of shooting from the hip with utterly invalid comparisons, you'd actually look up something to really understand what the hell you're talking about for a change
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