news Your New TMI Headache: Teens' College Essays You've probably heard by now that you should discourage teens from posting certain information and photos online. news New Hope to Get Paralyzed Boy a Van: How You Can Help When it was clear late last week that Zakk didn't win the van contest, his mother said her heart was broken, as were the hearts of many of Zakk's supporters
Best Damn WoW Hunter Macro Collection on the Web
Cheers! Reply Maelstromm says July 10, 2009 at 12:41 pm these are some awesome macros, i make my own but i surf the web for ideas, and youve given me some pretty good ones Reply Poached says July 9, 2009 at 1:04 pm @ Michael Blizz changed how Imp Tracking works. As soon as they open on you, you will trinket their stun, use a pot to get your lost health back, your crab (in this case) will root the rogue, and you will be immune to damage
The other craftsmen like engineers, alchemist, leatherworkers got a lot of crafts, that they can sell for a very big price, (like chopper, alchemy mount, flasks, bags, cloaks, enchants), and also they got their own special traits, like jeeves, engineering socket, trinkets, prismatic gems, etc. Comentario de Lore666 Now here is one thing thats retarded,To be able to skill to higher than 510 and to be able to get those recepies, you need to be 84!Or else you wont get the questchain that takes you to twilight highlands to unlock the vendors in dragonmaw port.It seems to me that BS is the only profession that is like this, or did i miss something?Very frustrating since i got BS on my DK and i plan on leveling my Pala tank before the DK
Imiloa Astronomy Center Located on the UH Hilo campus, Imiloa is a planetarium and exhibit sharing the similarities between the ancient Hawaiian navigational astronomy and the modern astronomy of today
Also if u don't want to waist your time for collecting only 8 satoshi every 7 hours u can go to "UPGRADE YOUR MINE NOW" option and update your account from LEVEL 1 (which increase your production from 8 satoshi to 80 satoshi every 7 hours) to LEVEL 7 (which increase your production to 2100000 satoshi every 7 hours). Well done madan, 2014-11-17 - I love site Mila, 2014-11-17 - somebody tell pls, what is the profit with 4th level? Paolo, 2014-11-17 - Best site!!! I love it! mano, 2014-11-17 - Great site, crappy withdrawn fee however
(Click to Enlarge) Wowhead Cobalt Locations - Borean Tundra Thottbot Cobalt Locations - Borean Tundra Cobalt Ore in Howling Fjord Cobalt mining in Howling Fjord is not as bad as it looks. (Click to Enlarge) Wowhead Cobalt Locations - Grizzly Hills Thottbot Cobalt Locations - Grizzly Hills Cobalt Ore in Dragonblight Again, this is one of my other favorite spots to mine Cobalt in because Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra are usually crowded and hard to navigate on ground
Mena de elementium - Objeto - World of Warcraft
Only downside is that there is a limit of instance resets per hour but with the recent increase to 10 per hour 120 - 280 in 10 minutes (depending on your speed and how many other loot bosses you kill) isn't that bad. Both Kaulema the Mover and Mor'Lek the Dismantler (two mini bosses that are not bound to the ID) drop a giant sack which contains 6-14 Elementium Ore and as long no boss has been killed the instance can be reset and the two can be killed over and over again
WoW Mining Guide 1-600 with Routes
Yes it is EVERYWHERE! If you want your skill maxed fast you can mine all the way to 600 with ghost iron ore and never have to move to a new zone keep in mind at 595 normal Ghost Iron Ore will go grey but you can get skill up from Rich Ghost Iron Deposits. If you are low level you may want to take into consideration areas on the map that might be too high for you to cross, if that is the case then just skip them and meet up with the path further down while leveling your mining
WoW Blacksmithing Leveling Guide 1-600
Before you get to far into Blacksmithing, be prepared for it to get extremely expensive, check out this guide to learn how to make all the gold you need. 520-525 5 Vicious Ornate Pyrium Shoulders 60 Elementium Bars, 50 Volatile Water You must purchase this from either the Twilight Highlands Metal Trader or a Blacksmithing Supplies vendor in a major city, it costs 2 Hardened Elementium Bars
When I mine, which is all the time (love the flying and the mini-game of mining itself) I loop around to all the outer areas,which covers the lobe areas twice. Titanium Ore in Storm Peaks Storm Peaks Titanium Data Here are the two different database sources for nodes where Titanium was recorded by people mining
WoW Mining Guide 1-700 - WoD Mining Leveling Guide - Mining Maps
Mining Guide Sections: 1 - 50 - Copper Ore 50 - 100 - Tin Ore 100 - 150 - Iron Ore 150 - 200 - Mithril Ore 200 - 300 - Thorium Ore 300 - 325 - Fel Iron Ore 325 - 350 - Adamantite Ore 350 - 400 - Cobalt Ore 400 - 425 - Saronite Ore 425 - 475 - Obsidium Ore 475 - 500 - Elementium Ore 500 - 600 - Ghost Iron Ore 600 - 700 - Blackrock Ore, True Iron ore Mining Leveling Guide 1 - 700 First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Mining. Updated for Warlords of Draenor patch 6.0.3 Mining serves three professions: Blacksmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting, so it's really good combined with any of these
Elementium Ore - Item - World of Warcraft
Only downside is that there is a limit of instance resets per hour but with the recent increase to 10 per hour 120 - 280 in 10 minutes (depending on your speed and how many other loot bosses you kill) isn't that bad. Comment by DisRuptive1 In Uldum, Elementium ore nodes take approximately 5 and a half minutes to spawn (I've clocked at ranges between 5:25 and 5:40).My RouteOnce you've mined a node, a cooldown starts which lasts approximately 5 and a half minutes
Obsidium Ore - Item - World of Warcraft
Comment by sidelsky18 Want to know how much prospecting Obsidium Ore yields in gold (on average)? Plug in your server's AH prices into the following:(.07 * ( + + + + + )) + (.0024 * ( + + + + + ))This formula will calculate what each individual ore will make in gold via prospecting, NOT every 5. Comment by JohnnyBGoode427 So no word yet what can be prospected from these ores? Comment by zevah Green and blue quality gems can be prospected from this ore
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