All Pokemon Emerald Cheats for GBA
Blazican: Recommended moves Recommended moves for Blazican are Double Kick (learns after evolving to Combuskin), Fire Punch (learned from the Move Tutor; needs Heart Scale), Blaze Kick (learns after it evolves from Blaxican), and Skyupercut (learned at levels 60 to 80). However, if you mate a Pokemon in the Dragon egg group (level 42 Gyarados with Hydro Pump recommended) with a female Bagon, and you will get a Bagon with Hydro Pump
I found out that Ultra Balls have the most effect when they are asleep at FULL HP! Safari Johto Pokemon If you go to the safari zone before you beat the elite 4 there will be two people in one spot saying that "this part of the safari zone is under construction" but after you beat the elite four go back it will be open and there you can catch pokemon from johto. Repel Are you getting sick of going into grass, water, and caves and can't even take 10 steps without meeting a pokemon that is common or you already caught and can't afford a repel here's your answer
Pokemon Emerald Version Team Building FAQ for Game Boy Advance by RishMister - GameFAQs
Totodile: If you are catching Croconaw pokemon then purifying it then actually breeding the croconaw to get this pokemon then getting ready to (breathe) beat story mode and get a link cable to trade over to your gameboy, then the best choice.Since the Johto Starters are so hard to obtain, unluckily many will miss out in the high Attack and Defense this Pokemon posseses. A Trapper is only there for the Folowing Pokemon In KANTO: Suicune Entei Raikou In HOENN: Latias Latios The Trappers use a move to make sure the Foe doesnt escape, then Baton Passes to the Catcher
Related questions Why are Water types such great HM slaves? What is the best HM slave early in the game of Pokemon crystal? What Pokemon is a good HM slave? What is an 'HM Slave'? What is a good non-legendary HM slave? powerful hm slave pokemon. However, I would like to delete some of the HM moves (so I can give Feraligatr a move like Earthquake instead of Cut) and put them all on one or two particular Pokemon
Verify this Report this Submitted by: Jakar on April 05, 2008 Deoxys (JAPANESE VERSION) To get Deoxys, put a roselia in the front of your party, and a magneton in the last spot. Battle your rival and be sure to win because if you don't you pay him ,but if you win he will give you money and an "ITEM FINDER"! Verify this Report this Submitted by: Angel Taylor on November 23, 2008 How to get berries 31-35 Talk to the Berry Master's wife, and tell her these codes to get the following berries:31
It gave me the tms I wanted, but it's now impossible to buy pokeballs because the tms are in the pokeball bag, and nothing works when I try to get rid of them
How do you get get the HM cut in Sapphire? - Pokemon Sapphire Questions
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7 Ways to Get All of the HMs on Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen
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