Please note, that these are not the same texts which are quoted on the biography pages of, which are listed separately on the Bibliography page. POPULAR PAGES Ares God of War Heracles the Hero Artemis Goddess of the Hunt Medusa and the Gorgons Pan the Goat-Legged God Hecate Goddess of Witches Titans the Ancient Gods Perseus the Hero Aphrodite Goddess of Love Pegasus the Winged Horse Dryads Nymphs of the Trees The Cyclopes Hades God of the Dead Pandora the First Woman The Nereid Nymphs The Monster Scylla Eros God of Love Muses Goddesses of Music Gaea Goddess of the Earth The Centaurs RANDOM PICKS Ichthyocentaurs Iris Goddess of the Rainbow Nereus Old Man of the Sea Oceanus the World River Circe the Witch Helius God of the Sun Gigantes the Giants Anemi Gods of the Winds Amazon Penthesilea The Theoi Project : Greek Mythology was created and is edited by Aaron J
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This he delivered to Socrates in the presence of witnesses, instructing Socrates to present himself before the king archon within four days for a preliminary hearing (the same magistrate would later preside at the pre-trial examination and the trial). Socrates had the right to challenge the admissibility of the accusation in relation to existing law, but he did not, so the charge was published on whitened tablets in the agora and a date was set for the pre-trial examination
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About Art History: Art Basics, Movements, and More
Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), pronounced "dah-VEED," was a French painter who lived during a tumultuous time in history, which was reflected in his art. Share Leonardo da Vinci's Unfinished Masterpiece Of the numerous unfinished canvases begun by Leonardo, The Adoration of the Magi is surely one of the most ambitious, and remains impressive, even in its unfinished state
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What is historical materialism? - A study guide with questions, extracts and suggested reading
A man or woman who is obliged to toil long hours in work, who has not had the benefit of a decent education and consequently lacks the habit of reading, finds great difficulty in absorbing some of the more complex ideas, especially at the outset. Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past
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This project aims to create a new resource for the study of the more recent history of the discipline: an archive of recorded conversations capturing the thoughts and recollections of senior Egyptologists who have played a significant part in the development of our subject. This has led to a growing appreciation of the importance of Egyptological archives and to public and media interest in the better known personalities in the field
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Share Wouldn't You Live in a House Made of Elephant Bones? In central Europe about 16,000 years ago, some stylish hunter gatherers built their houses out of ancient elephant bones. Share Scarlet Macaw's Brilliant Feathers and Mesoamerican Cultures The scarlet macaw's vibrant plumage was used in Mesoamerican societies far outside the bird's natural range on the central American gulf coast
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She worked as a professional musician, wore a costume at Colonial Williamsburg, toured with a travelling drama group, galloped racehorses at a Virginia racetrack, taught horseback riding, worked in radio and newspaper ad sales, learned enough Korean to teach a Korean four-year-old Sunday school, and served as librarian and reading tutor for the Rita Welsh Adult Literacy Center in Williamsburg, Virginia. It's not a be-all end-all history course.The reason my approach is different is because I'm using this series of books to catch my daughter up to where a well-educated child should be by the 4th grade
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